Name: Matthew Davies

Position: Certifying Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics)

Years with the Company: 4

Education: GCSE and A Level from England, Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance (with honors) from NSCC Dartmouth

Experience: 15 plus years in the IT industry in both England and NS, 4 years in the general aviation industry here in NS.


Hobbies/Passions: I love to fix things in ingenious ways (but not on aircraft!), cycling and sailing.

Favorite Quote: “Hurry up and wait”

Small Talk: Aspiring to become a Canadian citizen in the very near future, I am originally from England and have had permanent residency status since 2009. I have lived in Windsor NS and previously worked in the IT industry for more than 15 years, moving to Halifax in 2016 to attend NSCC and re-train in a field that would utilise my IT skills with modern avionics and also satisfy my personal interest in general aviation.

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